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50 docs tagged with "Semgrep AppSec Platform"

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Add Semgrep to CI/CD

Set up your CI pipeline with Semgrep AppSec Platform for centralized rule and findings management.

Alerts and notifications

Learn how to receive Slack or email alerts about findings and failures and how to integrate using webhooks.


This document links to Semgrep API documentation.

Bitbucket PR comments

Enable PR comments in your Bitbucket repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.

Core deployment

Learn how to set up a comprehensive Semgrep deployment for yourself or your organization.

Create an account

Create a Semgrep account and organization to prepare your deployment for the addition of repositories and team members.


The Dashboard is a summary view within Semgrep AppSec Platform to help security teams evaluate their organization's security posture.

Dependency search

Search through all your dependencies in all your onboarded repositories at any time.


Receive Semgrep findings via email.

Findings in CI

Learn how Semgrep Pro tracks findings and triage states in CI pipelines.

GitHub PR comments

Enable pull request (PR) comments in your GitHub repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.

GitLab MR comments

Enable merge request (MR) comments in your GitLab repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.


Send Semgrep findings to your Jira project.

License compliance

Semgrep Supply Chain can detect and list a package's license. Prevent or exempt certain packages from being used based on their licenses.

Manage rules

The Policies page is a visual representation of the rules that Semgrep Secrets uses to scan code.

Managed scanning (beta)

Semgrep managed scanning provides an alternative to CI-based workflows. It enables you to add repositories to your Semgrep org in bulk without changing your CI workflows.

Perform cross-file analysis

This article introduces cross-file (interfile) analysis, guides you through installation, and provides some additional information.


Generate a CycloneDX JSON or XML SBOM to view all dependencies of a repository.


Receive Semgrep findings in your Slack workspaces.

Tagging projects

Guidelines on how to add or remove tags through Semgrep AppSec Platform and semgrepconfig.yml file.

Triage and remediation

Learn how about Semgrep Code's triage status for findings and how to triage and remediate findings.

Triage and remediation

Perform triage and remediation of dependency vulnerabilities through Semgrep Supply Chain.

Troubleshooting CI

Not seeing what you expect in Semgrep AppSec Platform? Follow these troubleshooting steps or find out how to get one-on-one help.

Usage and billing

Learn about usage computation and other aspects of your Semgrep licenses.

View findings

The Findings page allows users to view findings identified by Semgrep Code.


Create webhooks to receive Semgrep findings in your endpoints.

Write custom rules

Semgrep Editor is a powerful tool within Semgrep AppSec Platform to write rules and quickly apply these rules across an organization to enforce coding standards across an organization.