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    January 2022

    Version 0.80.0



    Autocomplete is now available for CLI options.


    Support for Semgrep's metavariables where argument expansion is already supported. (#4556)



    You can now use an atom to match an identifier of the same name. (#4550)


    Missing target file does not lead to Semgrep crash

    Before this update, handling a missing target file could crash Semgrep. This issue has been fixed. (#4462)

    Additional information

    To see the complete change notes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

    Version 0.79.0


    Ignoring code

    Support for placing nosemgrep comments on the line before a match, causing such match to be ignored (#3521).


    Verbose output

    Parse errors (reported with --verbose) appear once per file, not once per rule/file.

    Version 0.78.0


    Symbolic propagation

    Semgrep can now symbolically propagate simple definitions. For example, given an assignment x = followed by a call x.baz(), Semgrep will keep track of x's definition, and it will successfully match x.baz() with a pattern like This feature should help writing simple yet powerful rules, by letting the dataflow engine take care of any intermediate assignments. Symbolic propagation is still experimental and is disabled by default. It must be enabled on a per-rule basis using options: and setting symbolic_propagation: true. (#2783, #2859, #3207)

    Verbose output

    --verbose now outputs a timing and file breakdown summary at the end.


    metavariable-comparison now handles metavariables that bind to arbitrary constant expressions (instead of just code variables).


    Pre-alpha support for Dockerfile as a new target language.

    Additional information

    To see the complete change notes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

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