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    August 2023 release notes

    Semgrep OSS Engine


    Semgrep version 1.38.0 removed some features. This change may break your Semgrep workflows. See Semgrep OSS > Removed for more information.

    This section of release notes includes upgrades of Semgrep OSS Engine for versions between 1.35.0 and 1.38.3.


    • Added optional min-version and max-version fields for a Semgrep rule, specifying a range of compatible Semgrep versions.
      • If a rule is incompatible with the version of Semgrep being used, it is reported in the JSON output at the newly added info level, which doesn't cause an exit failure. (#8496)
    • The semgrep scan command is now more resilient to failures when fetching a configuration file (config) from Semgrep servers.
      • If it can't fetch a config from Semgrep servers it will use backup infrastructure to fetch the most recent successful config for that customers environment. (#8459)
    • metavariable-comparison: You can now use in and not in for strings in the same sense as in Python, for substring checking. (#2979)
    • The CLI now collects the commit timestamp when running semgrep ci.
    • Added support for languages with case insensitive identifiers and generalized PHP to use these case insensitive identifiers.
      • For example, in PHP the pattern MyClass() now matches calls with different capitalizations such as myclass() and Myclass(). (#8356)
    • Julia: Added the deep expression operator. Now you can write patterns such as foo(<... 42 ...>) to find instances of calls to foo that contain 42 somewhere inside of it. (#8540)


    • Fixed --text and --output flags which broke in 1.38.0. If you are using version 1.38.0, update Semgrep to receive these fixes.
    • Converted all '' email addresses to ''. Several error messages displayed outdated email addresses. With this fix, you can now see in the CLI the correct email to reach out to the Semgrep Support team, which is (#8446)
    • Fixed CLI output to display matches from different rules with the same message. Now you are able to see the rule ID granularly even if two rules have the same rule message. (#8557)
    • Semgrep PyPI package can now be installed on aarch64 libmusl platforms such as Alpine. (gh-8565)
    • Improved the --max-memory help description to make it clearer. Its previous message, "Defaults to 0 for all CLI scans," did not convey that the default is 0 for all scans except when using Semgrep Pro Engine in CI scans. The default is 5000MiB for Semgrep Pro Engine CI scans, defined as:
      • Any scan using the semgrep ci --pro command, whether in a local environment or a CI/CD pipeline.
      • Any scan using the semgrep ci command with Pro Engine enabled in Semgrep Cloud Platform for the org whose repositories you are scanning.
    • Fixed a regression introduced three years ago in 0.9.0, when optimizing the evaluation of the ellipsis operator ... to be faster. The ellipsis only matched deeply, such as inside an if block, if it did not match anything non-deeply, thus causing that this pattern:
      would only produce a single match rather than two on this code:
      if cond:
      Semgrep matched from foo() to bar(y) and because of that it did not try to match inside the if, thus there was no match from foo() to bar(x). However, commenting out bar(y), results in Semgrep matching bar(x). Semgrep now produces the two expected matches. (#8440)
    • Semgrep VSCode Extension: Semgrep Language Server Protocol (LSP) is now compiled with tls. It should no longer cause crashes when running the Semgrep VSCode extension.
    • PromQL: make aggregation labels independent of order. (#8399). For example:
      "sum by (..., b, a, c, ...) (X)"
      should match
      "sum by (a,b,c) (X)"
    • Julia: Fixed a bug where let end blocks were not being parsed correctly, causing their contents to not strictly match while inside of a block. For example, let ... end didn't count as being inside of the let block, and would match everything. (#8569)
    • Julia: correctly parse BitOr and BitAnd (#8449)
    • Julia: Fixed a bug where parenthesized expressions sometimes did not match in constructs such as metavariable-comparison. (#8444)
    • Julia: Type information from declarations can now be used in metavariable-type. For instance, the program:
      x :: Int64 = 2
      now allows uses of x to match to the type Int64. (#8470)
    • Julia: Metavariables are now able to appear anywhere that identifiers can. For instance, they were not able to appear as the argument to a do block. (#8486) Now, you can write patterns such as:
    map($Y) do $X
    • Java: Fixed a naming bug affecting Java and other object-oriented (OO) languages that allowed a method parameter to shadow a class attribute. For example, in:
      class Test {

      private int x;

      public void test2(int x) {

      Semgrep was considering that this.x referred to the parameter x of test2 rather than to the class attribute x. (#8508)


    • Running the semgrep command with no subcommand now displays the help message. Previously, the semgrep command ran a SAST scan by default.


    • python -m semgrep has been removed. Instead, invoke Semgrep directly by entering semgrep in the CLI.
    • Semgrep no longer looks for a .semgrep.yml config file or .semgrep/ in the current directory, which previously caused conflicts when invoking semgrep from your home directory. This is because the home directory can contain a .semgrep/settings.yml file that is not a Semgrep rule, despite Semgrep expecting a rule file. (#4457)
      • The preferred method to run rules is to explicitly pass rules through the --config option. For example, to run a .semgrep.yml file containing rules, you must enter semgrep --config .semgrep.yml.
    • If you previously wrapped Semgrep Python code by calling semgrep_main.main, you must replace the previous call with run_scan.run_scan. Note that these Python calls will be removed in the future.
    • --enable-metrics and --disable-metrics have been removed. Instead, use any of the following:
      • --metrics=on
      • --metrics=off
      • --metrics=auto

    Semgrep Pro Engine


    • JavaScipt (JS) or TypeScript (TS) taint mode: fixed a bug introduced in 1.33.1 that had the side-effect of hurting performance of taint rules on JS or TS repositories that used destructuring in a function's formal parameters.

    Semgrep Cloud Platform


    • The semgrep ci command now displays enabled products when the scan config is generated from Semgrep Cloud Platform. Additionally, if no products are enabled then a friendly error is raised and the scan is stopped. You must enable a product in Semgrep Cloud Platform > Settings to start a scan.
    • You can now remove your SSO configuration. Previously, you had to reach out to to remove an SSO configuration. To remove your SSO configuration, go to Settings > Access > SSO.
    • Projects page: Added a Sync projects button which enables you to synchronize your Semgrep projects with your SCM. This enables you to onboard projects faster to the Semgrep Cloud Platform and ensure all your repositories are represented and available for scanning.

    Semgrep Code


    • Rules page: Added a new view, Group by vulnerability class, that is the default view within the Rules page.
    • Added a last updated attribute to rule cards. This helps you troubleshoot unexpected findings in unchanged configs.
    • Added a Copy rule button within the rule popup.

    Semgrep Supply Chain


    • Added lockfile-only rules for the following languages:
      • C#
      • PHP


    • PNPM: Fixed a bug where dependencies in pnpm-lock.yaml at version 6.0 and up were not parsed.
    • Gradle: Fixed an issue where packages in build.gradle files had their names incorrectly parsed without their group ID.


    • Removed the ability to turn off scanning with lockfile-only rules. Moving forward, lockfile-only rules are included in all full scans.

    Semgrep Assistant (beta)


    • GitHub: Fixed a bug in which you could receive duplicate PR comments if you had installed more than one instance of semgrep-app.
    • Slack notifications: Previously, clicking the Agree button in a Slack Assistant message did not triage the original issue created. Now, if Semgrep Assistant suggests that a finding is safe to ignore, clicking Agree also triages the finding to Ignored.
    • Various bugfixes and improvements.

    Documentation and knowledge base updates



    • The Getting started with Semgrep Cloud Platform page has been rewritten to help you onboard yourself, your team or organization, and your repositories to SCP.
    • Prefer the semgrep ci command to execute Semgrep in several quickstart and getting started guides.
    • Updated Supported languages table for Swift, Rust, and Apex.


    • Rule board documentation has been removed. Refer to the Policies documentation for information on rule management in Semgrep Cloud Platform.

    Not finding what you need in this doc? Ask questions in our Community Slack group, or see Support for other ways to get help.